Leadership Report

The Leadership Report is available as an optional add-on to the Interview Guide. It is an additional report based on the results of the original assessment. It does not require any additional testing. It is designed primarily for use as a developmental tool to be shared with the individual. It may also be used as another data point in selection but should not be the sole criteria for a hiring or promotion decision. It is a narrative report which provides a description of the person's general style and likely behavior in positions of influence or leadership, to include probable assets and developmental suggestions.

See the sample Leadership Report for the following discussion.

The Introduction and Structure of the Report sections (pages 2 and 3) provide the background and context for the report. The General Observations section (page 4) consists of five paragraphs describing the person's most likely behavioral characteristics in a leadership position. These are based on the most prominent individual scores and clusters of scores from the original profile. In rare cases where all scores were in the middle ranges, there may be fewer paragraphs.

The fourth paragraph is taken from the two empirical scores focused on management and leadership. It reflects the person's similarity of self-perceptions with those of people in managerial roles, as well as the person's likely ratings of managerial ability as seen by his or her superiors.

The last paragraph of that page focuses more on the person's likely combination of task-versus-people orientation.

The Probable Assets section (page 5) provides observations on the person's most likely strengths in a leadership role. Of course, there are likely to be additional strengths that may be outside the range of those identified by a personality inventory. However, the factors identified by the assessment should be considered as probable assets that can continue to be developed and leveraged for greater success in leadership.

The Areas for Development section (page 6) indicates the potential gaps and areas for growth identified by the assessment. These are not necessarily problems or fatal flaws. In fact, they may be some of the potential downsides of a person's assets. This section should be considered as food for thought and suggestions for further development, not necessarily as cause for alarm.

The person's Big Five Personality Factors profile is presented on page 7 of the Leadership Report. This profile reflects the major traits, not the complete set of scores that will be found in the Interview Guide.

The last page of the report outlines a set of guidelines for effective leadership. This is a blueprint for success, regardless of the type or culture of the organization.

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