Personality Profile

This section presents the candidate's raw scores for the Big Five personality factors and the three to four sub-scales, or facets, under each of the primary factors. (See the eTest Technical Manual for detailed information on each of these scales.)

  • The candidate's scores on the major traits (Big Five) are represented by orange squares.
  • Scores on each of the facets and the empirical scales (pages 11 and 12 in the following sections) are represented by an orange circle.
  • The scale ranges from 1 to 10. There is no intended good or bad for each scale. For example, a high score on the nonconforming/conforming scale may be good for a job that requires strict following of procedures. But, a low score on the same nonconforming/conforming scale may be good for a job that requires creativity in solving problems.
  • The area between the blue lines on the scale is where 50% of the general business population falls.
  • The low and high scores on the scale (1-3, or 8-10) indicate that the candidate is more likely to show the major characteristics of that trait.
  • The shaded boxes are where the middle 50% of successful people in a particular comparison job score on the scale in question.  Test administrators choose from six different standard job types when the test is set up.  The standard job types are:  Administrative, Customer Service, Manager/Supervisor, Sales, Technical, or Other (which is a general business population).  

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