
Career Assessment: Making the Right Early Decisions and Mid-Flight Corrections

Career Assessment: Making the Right Early Decisions and Mid-Flight Corrections

Careers develop from many decisions made over time. Some are made by default, and some are made by other people. The more of these decisions you can make, the more likely you’ll have a better outcome.

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Selecting High-Potential Employees: The Four Foundations

Selecting High-Potential Employees: The Four Foundations

A CEO was known to tell candidates that there were two reasons he’d fire them: if they wer

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The Wrong People: The Dark Triad

The Wrong People: The Dark Triad

Beware of the Dark Triad cluster of traits related to manipulative, antagonistic and socially undesirable behavior: Machiavellianism; Narcissism; and Psychopathy.

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Credentials are Over-Rated: Hire for Skills

Credentials are Over-Rated: Hire for Skills

There is a critical shortage of people in the labor force with the right credentials, but businesses are using increasingly questionable credentials as barriers to entry. However, there is a clear and workable pathway out of this situation.

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Cognitive Dissonance: Keys to Understanding Irrational Behavior

Cognitive Dissonance: Keys to Understanding Irrational Behavior

Cognitive dissonance is a phenomenon that has been extensively studied by social psychologists. It is widely recognized as a powerful force that influences human behavior and decision-making, often below our level of awareness. Cognitive dissonance is a normal and common human experience.

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Quiet Quitting...Really? Here's a Better Strategy

Quiet Quitting...Really? Here's a Better Strategy

Quiet quitting is a term to describe the strategy of just doing the bare minimum needed

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The trait of Complexity is one of the Big Five personality factors. It is sometimes known

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The Trait of Agreeableness

The Trait of Agreeableness

Agreeableness is one of the Big Five personality factors. Agreeable people get along with others. They are warm and supportive. They don’t like conflict. They are approachable and easygoing. They are not inclined to be blunt, intense, abrupt or direct.

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Behavioral Control: Conscientiousness

Behavioral Control: Conscientiousness

Behavioral Control is one of the major Big Five personality factors. It is often referred to as conscientiousness, and is a good predictor of successful performance in most jobs.

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Emotional Reactivity

Emotional Reactivity

Of the five major personality factors, Emotional Reactivity is most closely associated wit

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Extraversion is a well-researched primary personality factor. It reflects an orientation towards the external world of people, or toward the internal world of ideas and feelings.

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Leading in Bad Times

Leading in Bad Times

Leaders in tough times need to help their players reframe their current situations and see things in a different light.

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The Structure of Personality: The BIG FIVE

The Structure of Personality: The BIG FIVE

There is now a professional consensus that personality can be accurately described by five broad factors. The Five Factor Model, or Big Five, has evolved over fifty years through academic observation and scientific research.

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Yes, This is Tough. So What Will YOU DO About It?

Yes, This is Tough. So What Will YOU DO About It?

The next question is “What am I going to do to make things better?” This can show you alternatives you haven’t thought about, and may help you determine different ways of acting in response. You may not have caused your situation, but you always have the choice about how to respond to it...

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Exceptional ROI: eTest Custom Battery Saves Client $15 Million

Exceptional ROI: eTest Custom Battery Saves Client $15 Million

Retention of Unit Managers improved to 67% within a year after the selection system was implemented, then increased to 72% the following year.

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Customized Solutions

Customized Solutions

A validation and customization of eTest can deliver a quick, valid, fair, and customized report of candidates’ or employees’ characteristics, and a good prediction of fit for a particular job and company culture.

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Sales and Personality

Sales and Personality

Although there are many different types of sales jobs, conventional wisdom holds that extraverts are likely to gravitate towards “sales” and introverts are more inclined to seek out “staff” roles.

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